



摘要 :当前,全球范围内产业变革和工业数字化转型蓬勃兴起。边缘计算作为工业互联网的重要组成部分和关键支撑技术,进入了加速发展阶段。工业企业对边缘计算的需求日益强烈。在企业构建工业互联网技术体系过程中,如何在工业现场应用边缘计算是业界关注的重要问题。本报告将详细总结工业互联网边缘计算最新发展态势,并以离散制造业为例,系统阐述针对离散制造业特点的边缘计算实施架构,同时介绍已有工业互联网边缘计算应用解决方案,为引导和促进工业互联网边缘计算应用发展提供了参考。

Abstract:Industrial transformation and industrial digital transformation are booming around the world. Industrial Internet edge computing, as a product of deep integration of information technology and manufacturing, has become the key technical support of the new industrial revolution. In the process of building an industrial Internet technology system, applying edge computing in industrial fields has attracted a lot of attention. To meet the above challenges, this lecture takes discrete manufacturing as an example, analyzes the development needs of discrete manufacturing, and introduces the implementation architecture of edge computing for discrete manufacturing. Moreover, this lecture also expounds the existing application solutions of edge computing in typical scenarios of discrete manufacturing. The reference for guiding and promoting the development of discrete manufacturing edge computing applications is provided in this lecture.


Key words: Industrial Internet; Edge Computing; Discrete Manufacturing; Implementation Architecture